I've decided that, in addition to blogging about educational technology in general, I'm going to start writing weekly tips for programs that we commonly use in our district, mostly centered around Illuminate, Skyward, and various Google programs that we have available to us. If you'd like to learn about something specific, feel free to send me requests and I'll add them to future Tip of the Week posts.
Now, without further ado, here is this week's Tip of the Week...
Using the Tab Key to Quickly Enter Data
If you're in the process of building a manual assessment or grading an assessment in Illuminate, you probably enter the letter for the correct answer or rubric point value, move your cursor to the next box with your mouse, and then repeat the process for every piece of data that you enter.
An easier way to enter this type of data is to use the Tab key. When entering letters or numbers in the Correct field of a manual assessment, click on the first cell where the data belongs, enter the letter/number and hit tab, this automatically drops you down to the next cell. When you get to the bottom cell, hitting Tab takes you back up to the top so that you can enter the data for the Points column. This also works when you're entering scores for constructed responses after students have taken the assessments.